Saturday, 13 May 2017

Contrast in environments

As I mentioned before, as part of the aesthetic I have created I was keen on developing a clear contrast between Albert and the rest of the world. key to this has been colour, when designing the inside of his house. I used almost all grey colours for the furniture etc. I also made it really crooked in terms of shape as well. I think this has worked really nicely. It reminds me a little bit of the style of Salad fingers. A bit quirky looking.

In contrast to this, everything about the outside world is colourful and vibrant in atmosphere. I have tried to reflect this further using elements such as sound the busy bustle of the urban city in comparison against the sound of the static when the television is turned on in Albert's house.

I carefully considered this when I was creating scenes for example the one where both of these worlds meet each other, when the activist stands at his door. 

I think the contrast in these images is really effective in showing this barrier between the protagonist and everyone else. This helps to portray him in a vulnerable and isolated way.

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